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I joined IDF's elite intelligence unit (8200) at age 18 where I specialized in Signal Intelligence system architecture and design.

Later on I joined Israel's Internal security agency leading the development of advanced nation-critical high capacity signal intelligence systems.

I acquired unique and valuable information in various fields ranging from cyber offensive/defensive, scalability, data security, advanced technologies and so forth.

Working in highly stressed, always-evolving, rapidly changing environment made me a better technologist, developer and manger.


Equipped with this knowledge I joined the private sector to work on various projects all require careful and deep understanding of mission-critical systems and infrastructures, I'm regularly consulting to government agencies, large-scale organizations as well as providing principal private advisory to C-suite, board-of-directors, VCs and so forth.

Big part of my career is being spent advocating high standard of organizational overall security: My risk assessments, lectures and educational programs deals with cyber security, digital security, the human factor and how it all comes to play.


I'm an animal lover, in my volunteering activity I use my professional skills to bring advance technologies to preserve endangered species and fight global environmental crime.

GPEC 2016, giving a talk on hospitals' cyber security and ntional threat

iHLS: Talking on a panel on national emergency  managment

Testing new remote sensing device to fight illegal poaching

Testing new remote sensing tech I developed for fighting illegal poaching

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